[Dec 2024] Minhyuk gave a talk at the University of Tokyo on "Visual Content Generation with Image Diffusion Models".
[Sep 2024] Four papers have been accepted to NeurIPS 2024.
[Sep 2024] Minhyuk won the Asiagraphics Young Researcher Award in 2024.
[Sep 2024] One paper has been accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.
[Aug 2024] Juil's Posterior Distillation Sampling received the Best Paper Award at the 2024 Samsung Electronics DS-KAIST R&D Exchange Meeting.
[Jul 2024] Two papers have been accepted at ECCV 2024.
[Apr 2024] Seungwoo has been awarded the Presidential Science Scholarship. Congrats!
[Feb 2024] Three papers have been accepted at CVPR 2024.
[Oct 2023] One paper has been accepted at 3DV 2024.
[Aug 2023] OptCtrlPoints has been accepted to Pacific Graphics 2023 as a full paper. Congrats Kunho!
[Apr 2023] Minhyuk is serving as a technical paper committee member at SIGGRAPH Asia 2023.
[Feb 2023] Two papers have been accepted at CVPR 2023.
[Feb 2023] Juil’s Master’s thesis was awarded the outstanding thesis award.
[Nov 2022] Juil received the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Korea (QIFK) 2022 for his PartGlot paper.
[Oct 2022] One paper has been accepted at WACV 2023 (Algorithm Track).
[Oct 2022] One paper has been accepted at Findings of EMNLP 2022.
[Sep 2022] Minhyuk is serving as a senior program committee member at AAAI 2023.
[Aug 2022] Minhyuk is serving as an associate editor of Graphical Models.
[Jul 2022] Juil won an outstanding paper award at Korea Computer Graphics Society (KCGS 2022).
[Jul 2022] One paper has been accepted at ECCV 2022.
[Jun 2022] Minhyuk gave a talk about language and 3D at Stanford University. Click to download the slides.
[Apr 2022] Minhyuk is serving as a technical paper committee member at SIGGRAPH Asia 2022.
[Mar 2021] Three papers have been accepted at CVPR 2022 including Juil's oral.
[Feb 2022] Minhyuk gave a talk at Asiagraphics as a webinar speaker. Click here for more details.
[Feb 2022] One paper has been accepted at ICRA 2022.
[Sep 2021] Minhyuk is serving as an International Program Committee member at Eurographics 2022.
[Jul 2021] Two papers have been accepted at ICCV 2021.
[Mar 2021] Three papers have been accepted at CVPR 2021 including two orals.
[Jan 2021] We've just launched our group at KAIST!